
Reminder: Tomorrow, 19 September 2006 is Talk Like a Pirate day.
I need to remind Dock to hang the Jolly Roger up on the flagpole (thanks, Scooter). Oh...and curse at Dock for not buying me my blunderbuss.
For those of you unaware, this is the one day during the year when we are permitted to wander the Earth speaking like a pirate. Yarrrrrr!!!!
Links for your amusement:
and my favorite:
Piratpartiet - The Swedish Pirate Party
I need to remind Dock to hang the Jolly Roger up on the flagpole (thanks, Scooter). Oh...and curse at Dock for not buying me my blunderbuss.
For those of you unaware, this is the one day during the year when we are permitted to wander the Earth speaking like a pirate. Yarrrrrr!!!!
Links for your amusement:
and my favorite:
Piratpartiet - The Swedish Pirate Party
History of the Party
The Swedish Pirate Party was formed by Rickard Falkvinge, and he created the embryo of this site and mentioned the address once on a busy DirectConnect hub on January 1, 2006. Within two days, the site displayed three million hits, and the first thousand or so members joined up. The principles of the Pirate Party soon began to take shape, as more and more members joined up, and in February they were voted through in the 3.0 version, which you can read in several languages further down on this page. The reform of copyright laws, the abolishing of patents and working against installing more regulations, and remove the Data Retention Act, that are seriously threatening citizens' privacy are the only articles in the Pirate Party agenda.
The aim is to hold the balance of power, to be the tie-breaker, in the Swedish Riksdag and through that offer a collaboration of parties to gain the majority and thus give the governmental status, to either left or right. The difference between left and right, we feel, are no longer obvious, and therefore makes it easy for us to take this measure.
The issues that we represent are sorely missing, or are only fragmentarily represented, with an alarming display of lack of knowledge, and we hope to be able to bring in the legislative groups of Sweden into the 21st century. Feel free to show us your support by sending us a donation or a cheer in the Visitor's corner when you're here!
Oooops...wrong pirate. Heh heh heh.
Labels: Amusement, Celebrations
Let's have some respect for pirates, my children and partner are direct descendants of the famous Irish female pirate Grania O'Malley.
I love pirates.
You need to tell me more about your pirate connection, please!
Google Grania, sometimes Grace O'Malley. They are also related to Oscar Wilde through the same line.
That is wild! I shall!
You may call me Red Grace Rackham
What's my pirate name?
Mad Mary Roberts! Yarrrrrr!!!!
I wonder what Gorgall's will be? Although...it is already fun saying, "Gorrrrrrrgall."
Mad John Kidd.
Grania O'Malley's flag was black with a red pig on it.
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