Douchebaggery Personified

I should know better than to listen to anything President Bush has to share with this great nation of ours. I should know it is empty rhetoric pimping his, "vision." I should know to turn off the television and take a walk. But, like most train wrecks, I cannot help but stare and gawk in amazement.
I honestly believe that this man did far too many lines of toot in his younger years that he is terminally phucked with paranoid psychosis. He should use some of his better healthcare benefits to seek treatment.
President Bush once again defamed one of the more hallowed days in our history. The kind folks at the Associated Press were good enough to highlight some of his more profound (*gags*) statements. Now is the time for the fun...I mean the rebuttal/rebuke.
“America did not ask for this war, and every American wishes it were over,” Bush said. “The war is not over — and it will not be over until either we or the extremists emerge victorious.”
Noes. We did not ask for this war. Halliburton shareholders did. They are not going to be happy when it is over and neither will you. Each morning, you arise with a hard-on in anticipation of viewing your investment portfolio. Each morning, you arise trying to reconcile the need within yourself to please your father. Each morning, you forget about the cost, the expense, the repercussions of your actions.
We may not have asked for the war with Al-Qaida, but we asked for the war in Iraq. Actually...we didn't bother asking, we deployed oodles of troops without strategy, master plan or sufficient protective equipment, much like drunken fratty cakes playing, "Risk." (pun intended)
Whatever mistakes have been made in Iraq, the worst mistake would be to think that if we pulled out, the terrorists would leave us alone,” the president said. “They will not leave us alone. They will follow us.”
Especially since we are only going as far as Iran.
“Our message to them is clear: No matter how long it takes, America will find you and we will bring you to justice.”
Unless you die of old age or renal failure first. Although, modern healthcare is rather advanced. I hear one can obtain dialysis treatments in various caves in Afghanistan.
He said Islamic radicals are trying to build an empire “where women are prisoners in their homes, men are beaten for missing prayer meetings and terrorists have a safe haven to plan and launch attacks on America and other civilized nations.”
Give me a phucking break. Seriously. You're talking about Texas, right? Isn't that what the Neo-Cons want? Amen.
"The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict,” the president said. “It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation.” which I (George W Bush) am sadly ill-equipped for.
Actually, the calling of your generation was Vietnam. You know...the war in which you artfully dodged service by whining to Daddy. You're such a swell fellow, making sure subsequent generations do not miss out on the glory of fighting a war with no end. Quagmires for all my men (you women folk can stay home and do the dishes).
“The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad,” the president said.
If that is true, we are so phucked. Honestly, I thought the safety of America depends on not bringing shampoo and toothpaste on the plane.
“Our nation has endured trials, and we face a difficult road ahead,” the president said. “Winning this war will require the determined efforts of a unified country. So we must put aside our differences and work together to meet the test that history has given us.”
There you go with that unity thing again. Silly, silly PresidOnt. If you want to unite us, listen to us.
This is one instance where I can say, without a doubt, that I respect the Office and not the man. PresidOnt Bush, you are...without a doubt...a Grade A douchebag. Thanks for running this country into the ground. Thanks for capitalizing on the deaths of many on 09.11. Thanks for angering the global community, including our long standing allies.
I honestly believe that this man did far too many lines of toot in his younger years that he is terminally phucked with paranoid psychosis. He should use some of his better healthcare benefits to seek treatment.
President Bush once again defamed one of the more hallowed days in our history. The kind folks at the Associated Press were good enough to highlight some of his more profound (*gags*) statements. Now is the time for the fun...I mean the rebuttal/rebuke.
“America did not ask for this war, and every American wishes it were over,” Bush said. “The war is not over — and it will not be over until either we or the extremists emerge victorious.”
Noes. We did not ask for this war. Halliburton shareholders did. They are not going to be happy when it is over and neither will you. Each morning, you arise with a hard-on in anticipation of viewing your investment portfolio. Each morning, you arise trying to reconcile the need within yourself to please your father. Each morning, you forget about the cost, the expense, the repercussions of your actions.
We may not have asked for the war with Al-Qaida, but we asked for the war in Iraq. Actually...we didn't bother asking, we deployed oodles of troops without strategy, master plan or sufficient protective equipment, much like drunken fratty cakes playing, "Risk." (pun intended)
Whatever mistakes have been made in Iraq, the worst mistake would be to think that if we pulled out, the terrorists would leave us alone,” the president said. “They will not leave us alone. They will follow us.”
Especially since we are only going as far as Iran.
“Our message to them is clear: No matter how long it takes, America will find you and we will bring you to justice.”
Unless you die of old age or renal failure first. Although, modern healthcare is rather advanced. I hear one can obtain dialysis treatments in various caves in Afghanistan.
He said Islamic radicals are trying to build an empire “where women are prisoners in their homes, men are beaten for missing prayer meetings and terrorists have a safe haven to plan and launch attacks on America and other civilized nations.”
Give me a phucking break. Seriously. You're talking about Texas, right? Isn't that what the Neo-Cons want? Amen.
"The war against this enemy is more than a military conflict,” the president said. “It is the decisive ideological struggle of the 21st century and the calling of our generation.” which I (George W Bush) am sadly ill-equipped for.
Actually, the calling of your generation was Vietnam. You know...the war in which you artfully dodged service by whining to Daddy. You're such a swell fellow, making sure subsequent generations do not miss out on the glory of fighting a war with no end. Quagmires for all my men (you women folk can stay home and do the dishes).
“The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad,” the president said.
If that is true, we are so phucked. Honestly, I thought the safety of America depends on not bringing shampoo and toothpaste on the plane.
“Our nation has endured trials, and we face a difficult road ahead,” the president said. “Winning this war will require the determined efforts of a unified country. So we must put aside our differences and work together to meet the test that history has given us.”
There you go with that unity thing again. Silly, silly PresidOnt. If you want to unite us, listen to us.
This is one instance where I can say, without a doubt, that I respect the Office and not the man. PresidOnt Bush, you are...without a doubt...a Grade A douchebag. Thanks for running this country into the ground. Thanks for capitalizing on the deaths of many on 09.11. Thanks for angering the global community, including our long standing allies.
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