Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mot du Jour

Banhammer ('ban-'ha-m&r)

Per the bible of argot, Urban Dictionary, Banhammer may be a noun or a verb. My preferred definitions are:

Function: Noun
1: Weapon wielded by mods to kill accounts

Function: Verb
1: To ban thousands of people because of cheating, spamming, hacking or just being plain dumb
2: to declare something uncool

  • "The mods threatened me with the banhammer if I continue to act like a douchebag."
  • "I'm a troll and thus have been banhammered because I have nothing of value to contribute."
No, nothing is *actually* irritating me today.

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At 9/06/2006 04:50:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

Who's going to Banhammer you? I know some of the mods are all powerful in certain forums but not that much!!!

At 9/06/2006 07:57:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

High Priestess Kang could never be banhammered! Everyone loves me!



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