Thursday, August 31, 2006

Awaiting the arrival of Ernesto...

I have wandered around, polling my colleagues to see if anyone else felt as kooky as I. As it turns out I'm not entirely neurotic (mostly, yes. entirely, no.). They are feeling this sense of angst, as well. Phew. Even the uber-rational Dock Ellis says he's feeling a bit out of sorts due to the weather. I sit, at my desk in my office at 15:00 on Thursday. A quick glance over my shoulder and out the window of my office shows me that the drizzle has started. To be fair, it has been sporadically drizzling all day.

I have been perusing WRAL and The Weather Channel's websites most of the day. What information I am seeking...I have no idea. Ernesto does not appear to be much of a threat and will probably only bring us buckets of rain. Then again...we all thought the same about Hurricane Fran, didn't we?

Seven years ago, this weekend, Dock and I were married. Dock and I were married during Tropical Storm/Hurricane Dennis. Remember...the one that drifted out to the Atlantic only to return in time for our outdoor wedding? I suppose I know where my sense of loathing is coming from. History repeats itself. It's déjà vu all over again.

I really hope this is a non-event. I do not need nor want any more excitement in my life. It's been challenging enough as it is lately.

Naughty Ernesto's projected, menacing path as of 14:00, 31 August 2006. Goodie! Goodie! Right over Raleigh!



At 9/01/2006 12:11:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

No "oh crap." You know that Dock and I do not celebrate stuff like that. It's hokey.

Besides...the entire wedding was for the grandparents and parents. Only my love for my father could get me to dress up in a goofy dress and wear a circulation stifling corset.


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