The Wheel of Karma
...spins and spins and spins
I am smiling, wickedly, from ear to ear.
As I have mentioned before, I have been (OMG!) stalked for a considerable amount of time on t3h intranets. The culmination (I hope) of said stalking has been my official lampooning on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Said lampooning has been one of the funniest things I have ever read. I am now thoroughly hooked on ED and have even gone so far as to register (user name is: bagofjewgold). Look for me to start writing in earnest there.
What I find most amusing is one of the main perpetrators, source of my angst, was lampooned, as well. Now she is a very, very, very sad person who feels violated. She cannot wrap her head around being the target of internets drama. One, two, three: awwwwwwwwww.
Is it wrong that I do not feel an ounce of sympathy for this person? Does this make me soulless? Will I be confined to the seventh circle of hell for an eternity because I find all of this absolutely H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S?
What this vile creature fails to comprehend is that she brought this misery upon herself. You do not send nasty e-mails to unsuspecting people (fortunately or unfortunately...I am not the only one who has been graced with her drunken, abusive ramblings), calling them names, etc... You do not act like a seventh grader ("go ahead fight yer corner"). You do not spam websites with stupid commentary (ok...commentary is too grand a word to be applied to her verbal stink). You do not make light of someone's illness on an internet forum. You do not try to sneak back on an internet forum when you have been banned for being a douchebag.
Witless, shit-for-brains, is now running amok on the internets, crying her wittew eyes out because she cannot understand why people are so mean to someone who is so nice. Huh?
Witless, shit-for-brains, coal-for-a-soul, is whinging to anyone and everyone who will listen because her bloggy blog has been hacked. Note: leaving comments on a blog is not hacking. Copying text and pictures from a blog is not hacking. [Yes, dear readers, she actually believes that her blog was hacked] If you are so concerned about your not post pictures of your children on the internet! Have you learned nothing from your own maniacal behaviour? Does being a victim of a depraved mind apply only to you?
Ok...I have said my bit about this piece of pond-scum. I have been trying to bite my tongue and curb my commentary for months. It's been a long week of not wanting to break out in song and dance, laughing unmercifully at this piece of common trash. I can no longer behave. I'm basking in schadenfreude. For that, I shall look for Bishop Conkers and repent.
I shall now resume my posture of ambivalence, dignity and grace and cease commenting on this. Karma has dished up a marvelous helping of an ass-whopping. If I do not behave, I'm sure she will do the same to me.
No lectures please. I have happened upon this catharsis fairly.
Labels: Numpty Dance, Personal, Rants
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