Is it any wonder...
...that the global community looks down on Americans?
This morning, driving to work, I should have been focusing on the Golden Smog song (Until You Came Along) and the counter bass. I should have been relaxed and happy. Sadly, I had to navigate through a swarm of traffic (at times like this I wish I was Moses and could part the Red Sea of commuters). As I was about to merge from I-540 onto I-40, I was cut off in traffic by someone (of course!). I finally managed to get into my desired lane and found myself behind this moron.
Imagine this...a white pickup truck with South Carolina plates and bumper stickers plastered all over the tailgate. When I notice this, I'm thinking...this oughta be good. I edge a little closer to read his various political statements and was not disappointed in the least by what I saw. A plain, white bumper sticker with black lettering which read:
Support Faith Based Missile Defense Systems
WHAT THE PHUCK? What the phuck, indeed!
There was another bumper sticker which said something along the lines of, "Evolution is just a theory..." I could not believe what I was seeing. Now, South Carolina, home of the Confederate Battle Flag flapping in the wind over the Capital Building, is not known for it's progressive views. It is truly Southern. Southern in the way that any sort of forward thinking is eschewed in favor of Klan robes and "wimmen" knowing their proper place: in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. But this...this bumper sticker jarred me. I didn't think people in South Carolina were that stupid, ass-backwards and misguided.
Support Faith Based Missile Defense Systems? What would Jeebus think about that? I'm not a scholar of the New Testament but to the best of my knowledge, Jeebus was not one to lob missiles. If he was...would he not have lobbed a few at the Romans? What happened to loving your fellow man (screw the woman, she's busy rustling up chow)? Are these faith based missiles disguised as candy hearts and roses?
Normally, when I see a bumper sticker on a vehicle that disturbs me, I will invoke Yankee driving etiquette and slam on the horn (I did this one particular PMS-y evening, following someone down Leesville Road who sported an anti-gay marriage message on his blazer. I did this the entire way down Leesville Road) or express my displeasure with my middle finger. I was so stunned by this particular display I could do nothing but pull along side of this asshole and gape at him. He noticed. He probably thinks I'm mentally challenged, given the expression and slobber dripping off my chin.
I left the Republican Party in 1996. I left the Republican Party because my father finally managed to talk some sense into me, "this party will never serve your best interests." I have remained a Democrat because of the ideals of the Neo-Cons.
Men like this knuckle dragging neanderthal I encountered this morning should be naturally "selected" and banished from society. Or...time warped back to the glory days of white supremacy and Aryan wanderlust. Think Germany in the late 1930s.
I cannot believe that I have to share the road, let alone oxygen with this idiot. I'm thoroughly disgusted and relieved that we are not related.
I have only invoked Neil Young's song, "Southern Man" once since moving to North Carolina. One time in ten years. I'm going to invoke it again...just to make me feel better.
Southern Man by Neil Young
Southern man
better keep your head
Don't forget
what your good book said
Southern change
gonna come at last
Now your crosses
are burning fast
Southern man
I saw cotton
and I saw black
Tall white mansions
and little shacks.
Southern man
when will you pay them back?
I heard screamin'
and bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?
Southern man
better keep your head
Don't forget
what your good book said
Southern change
gonna come at last
Now your crosses
are burning fast
Southern man
Lily Belle,
your hair is golden brown
I've seen your black man
comin' round
Swear by God
I'm gonna cut him down!
I heard screamin'
and bullwhips cracking
How long? How long?
Emory sniffs the air .... Kodos I think you have some of it on your shoe!
I too left the moderate republican party in 2000. I was a precinct captain in East Spartanburg, SC for the John McCain campaign. I saw first hand the Fundemental Christian campaigners of South Carolina. I never thought politics could be so physically dangerous, even to the point of Police Officers hassleing me as I put up signs (next to dubya's signs.) I would do my rounds at midnight and then again at 4:00 am to replace those signs stolen during the night. (We had to ship signs in from NH the loss was so great)..... I imagine the Cops had trunk loads of them.
It was like howling against the wind. NEVER would I have thought this was how Christian Churches, Police, Sheriff's Office and the Rebulican Party devoured their young...... MCCain had won in NH, so the South Carolinians had to stop the tide. We had very little money, and where a rag tag group of people working VERY hard to make a stand. The MACHINE was incredible .... when you are fighting a MACHINE it becomes apherent quickly what the term MACHINE is, and how nasty things are going to get!!!!
We lost the precinct, the district and the State ... we then manned the phones each day, helping our Michigan counterparts fight Bush... They won Michigan..... I have always been proud of the fight I gave, but am saddened that it was not enough to stop the Machine and thereby Bush. The world has suffered ever since, and I sometimes take it personally!
Needless to say I could write an entire blog about that experience.
Didn't mean to get long winded .....
I know this article to 100% true, and these activities where instigated, financed, managed and executed from the Pulpits to Police.
I have heard rumblings about a lot of inappropriate behavior on the campaign trail. When I was volunteering for Clark in 2004, some folks were saying that members of the Kerry camp had roughed up some of the Clarkies. I can appreciate being compassionate about a cause, but violence is a little extreme.
I used to fancy McCain quite a bit. So much so, that had he run against Bradley (my dream election in 2000) I would not have known for whom to vote. Over the course of the past six years, McCain has become a disappointment to me, though.
I remember vividly what the Rovian/Bush engineers did to McCain in South Carolina. It is beyond despicable. Max Cleland has been using the term, "Swift Boating" and I think it is a very appropriate label for what happened to McCain. Give mad props to Rove, though. He certainly knows how to make any decent human being look like primordial ooze.
How do you feel about McCain now? I understand politics is politics as business is business...but doesn't it seem odd that someone as outspoken and true to his beliefs could sell out and stump for Bush as he did in 2004? I have held grudges over lesser offenses than that (then again...I'm not a politician).
I do not wish to detract from your efforts on the campaign trail. It's tough, grueling, tiresome work that is unappreciated by everyone who has never bothered to lift a finger to help a candidate out (just say precincts and I will begin snoring). Do you feel McCain has keep his core values, though?
With regard to South Carolina, outside of Hilton Head and the Greenville-Spartanburg area, I have very limited experience with the state. Although, I must admit, driving I-85 and seeing the Peachoid is a nice source of amusement for me. From an outsider's perspective, a lot of people seem to be a skosh narrow-minded. Then again...I suppose we can say the same about the Tar Heel State.
Anyone that experienced South Carolina 2000, will never understand the above.
Yes he did get partial campaign finance reform out of the Republican Godfather's. His fire and energy are dimished today. His wife Cindy has had a partial stroke, McCain had a carcinoma removed.
I admire him as an American, a Senator, and a moderate! I just don't think he will bring enough change. America is in really bad shape at home and abroad. We missed the boat in 2006.
Did we ever (miss the boat)!
I spent the entire night of Election 2004 staring at the tv, near tears. It took a massive amount of Rum and Coke to get me to bed that night.
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