Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Stealing Vonnegut

When I read, I prefer to read works by a specific author sequentially. It doesn't always work out for me, but I do like to see how authors progress.

Anyhooooo...I have finished Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut. I meant to read this while I was in Sweden but alcohol derailed me. I had all but forgotten I had this book until a week ago. I read it. I love it. Kurt Vonnegut's writing style is amazing. He writes with a forked pen (as opposed to speaking with a forked tongue). Vonnegut is everything that everyone says he is. And more.

I had some time to kill this evening before a doctor's appointment. As is my ritual, I scooted up to Barnes & Noble to troll the aisles. I figured it was the golden opportunity for me to snap up another book or two. Much to my surprise, I could not find a single copy of a Vonnegut book on the shelves. Not in fiction. Not in classics. Before I dragged myself over to sci-fi, I found a clerk and asked, "what happened to Vonnegut?" How could a bookstore not have any Vonnegut in stock?

It turns out that there has been some rampant theft at the Barnes & Noble ( is in Durham). Someone has been stealing all of the Vonnegut books. The situation is so dire, they relocated all copies of his books to a corner behind the cash registers.

Imagine...stealing books? Stealing Vonnegut? His demographic does not appeal to shop-lifters and petty larcenists, does it?

I snapped up one copy of Deadeye Dick and one copy of G-d Bless You, Mr Rosewater. Rosewater is first on my agenda, as Dock has not read Deadeye Dick (so he gets dibs by default).

At least I know how I will be spending the next two weeks, since working is not an option right now. Reading. Not thieving from the Barnes & Noble in Durham.

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At 9/11/2006 11:57:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my all time Vonnegut favorites is Mother Night.

At 9/11/2006 12:13:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

Are you the Vonnegut klepto? Is this Thelma and Louisery?


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