A big Nelson Muntz, "HA! HA!"

Senate report: No Saddam, al-Qaida link
Long-awaited analysis also finds that anti-Saddam group misled U.S.
WASHINGTON - There’s no evidence Saddam Hussein had ties with al-Qaida, according to a Senate report issued Friday on prewar intelligence that Democrats say undercuts President Bush’s justification for invading Iraq.
Bush administration officials have insisted on a link between the Iraqi regime and terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Intelligence agencies, however, concluded there was none.
Republicans countered that there was little new in the report and Democrats were trying to score election-year points with it...
What people fail to understand is that this story is [really] not about politics. It is about the reporting of facts. The findings of a Congressional inquiry. A Congressional inquiry exacted by a Republican Congress. The losing side of this battle is going to declare, "shenanigans" to cover their collective asses.
The memory and attention span of most Americans is very much like a child with ADD. I should hope the liberal (gags) media pimps this story, keeps this story on the front burner, so to speak. I should hope the body electorate remembers the fact that they were exploited for the personal gain of Bush and his chicken hawk cronies. The blood is officially on the hands of the Bush Admistration. Yet, there is no remorse.
Labels: News
When is the election? I hope the people take there meds and learn to control there ADD. It's the same here, short memories and attention spans.
We have another Prime Minister to get rid of real soon. He forgets that he has a minority government!!!
I believe there are 60 days on the countdown to Election Day. If I have to spike the water with Ritalin, I will. /me winks
I do not think people get how badly the Neo-Con agenda has phucked over the global community, however. Sheep...the lot of them. Sheep with wool over their beady eyes.
Now...can you tell me who is stealing all of the Vonnegut and why?
I can't figure that one out. Right now I am watching When the Levee broke. All I can say is incredible.
Rats! I have been meaning to catch that on HBO. Fortunately, I am off of work for another week or so. The opportunity might present itself shortly.
The Wire starts tonight!!! Woo-hoo! I cannot wait.
My sister, however, is still mourning the death of Stringer Bell and the loss of her TV boyfriend.
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