Friday, September 08, 2006


I have been decommissioned for battle by my doctor. This means no work, no stress, no upset. It has been a long few months and my wittew body is worn out. As there are few doctors who specialize in Rigellian health, all the medical community on Earth can do is prescribe rest in hopes that I will regain my former strength and fortitude. Consequentially, I am bored.

I have been trying, diligently, for the past two days (since said rehabilitative course has been imposed) to avoid anything remotely upsetting. I am, for the most part, immune to any atrocities reported on the news, as I eat, breathe and sleep all things news worthy. I figure watching MSNBC and reading news on t3h intarweb is not going to be detrimental to my health. I phucked up. Royally.

It is no secret that I have an unusually strong fixation with bears of all kind. I prefer the brown ilk but if offered any bear for a pet, I would happily take it. I was drawn to an article on MSNBC and am now thinking it may be time to gobble an ativan.

Panda inconsolable after crushing cub
China's Ya Ya wails and looks for new-born twin she accidentally killed

BEIJING - Staff at a zoo in southwest China are in mourning after a sleep-deprived panda dropped her two-day-old baby and crushed it to death, local media reported on Friday.

“It was very sudden, but also unavoidable,” Guo Wei, panda department chief at Chongqing city zoo in the southwestern region of Chongqing, told the Chongqing Business News daily.

Ya Ya, a seven-year-old panda and new mother of twins, "appeared tired” when nursing the younger cub in a patch of grass, the paper said.

I am not sure if it is my bear obsession or natural female response to this story which is causing so much grief for me. Poor panda mommy. I hope she is not chastised by the Scientology nutters for experiencing extreme post-partum depression.

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