P is for Pussi

One night, while out tying one on, Andy blurts out that he found Pussi in the local grocery in Sweden. The entire conversation stopped. He explains that one may actually procure Pussi in Sweden. You can imagine how riveted the group was. You can (almost) hear the uproarious laughter that ensued when Andy explained that Pussi is cat food. Even further hooting and howling ensued when Roowhip mentioned she had a can of it at home in her cupboard.
The following day, while slumming at the Hard Rock Cafe in Göteborg (Gothenburg for you knuckle dragging, non Swedish speaking lot), Pussi reappeared in conversation. I believe among Mark Base, Arvid, Janelle, Andy and I as we were standing outside, smoking cigarettes along Avenyn. While I was not very drunk...I do remember very little from this conversation...other than laughing my ass off and trying really hard not to snort in front of my new friends.
To cement the hilarity of this discovery, Magnus, Dock and I went to ICA Maxi two days later to stock up on cans of Pussi for our American friends. The three of us were doubled over in fits of laughter in the pet food aisle. Hooting, hollering, shamelessly carrying on and taking pictures. It is so funny that my otherwise reserved, Swede (Magnus) was unable to stand up and turned beet red from laughing so hard.
As Mark indicates on his website...insert your comments here.
Labels: Observations, Sweden, Travel
I remember when I first saw Pussi in the grocery store. I most definitely giggled. And my two favorites Swedish words are slut and bra too. I have developed a fondness for using the word mus, too, though. At heart, I think I'm a 7th grade boy.
Windy likes the word, "mus" as well.
My mus hides.
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