Kang's Countdown
I'm itching. Scratching all over like crazy. Which brings me to Kang's Countdown.
22 hours, 22 mintues (oh...how trippy is that?) until I get to see Dr Pillsbury the Sadist. I mean...Dr Pillsbury the ENT. Tomorrow is allergy testing day. I'm getting poked! A million little needle pricks. Woo-hoooooo! All of the pain of a tattoo with no regret.
After being without any medication for a week, shaking like a herion junkie going through detox and now itching up a storm...I cannot wait!!!! Please, please tell me I'm allergic to everything and I have to become the bubble boy. Tell me anything you want. Just tell me I can go back to my meds tomorrow. Quitting muscle relaxers, cold turkey, after a year's worth of daily usage is just dreadful. The same applies to allergy medications, asthma meds and heartburn meds. Hell...I just love me some meds.
The first thing I'm doing tomorrow, after getting (hopefully) the all clear from Dr P and getting home from work is taking a fistful of medicine and chasing it down with a cold beer.
40 - 48 hours - Inga comes home to her Mommy. I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am that I won't have to drive that POS Honda with the habit of fogging up. Yes...I know the Honda is paid for (that's for you, Dock), but the nameless Honda is no Inga. My precious, little Inga will be returning home from her four weeks at the body shop being repaired after being smashed by a truck.
At this point, I don't even care about insurance companies, proof of fault (I mean, really...I was hit in the ass by a truck), the fact that I have to go back to spending the duckets on premium gas or anything else. I just want my Saab back. I have a feeling that I'm going to be taking her for a nice long drive and enjoying all that is great in the world.
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