Sunday, March 05, 2006

Peaceful Chapel Hill

On Friday, an alum of UNC decided to rent a car and take a trip. His destination was The Pit on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill. The Pit was filled with students milling around under the Carolina Blue sky.

His modus operandi according to investigators was his wanting to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world." Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar has been charged with nine counts of assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury with intent to kill, according to WRAL's website.

As upsetting as it is, this story has not received much play in the national news arena. MSNBC did have a headline on its website on Friday. No mention of the story all day Saturday (both the TV channel and website). I was beginning to wonder if the "liberal" media was going to file this under past news, as it seemed that the girl with the stolen prosthetic leg was far more important than an angry Muslim smashing into a crowd of otherwise innocent, college kids. Thank goodness, MSNBC had the decency to raise this issue again this morning. I'm hoping, with the arraignment on Monday, that the media is going to hop all over this story and give it its due. I'm hoping Paris Hilton doesn't do anything stupid this evening at The Oscars to keep the media from being sidetracked.

My point behind this rambling is this...the Muslim world is not happy with the Western world (gasp!). And why, class, is that? Could it be because Bush decided to engineer a war of values upon the Arab world? Noooooooo.

Bush's crusade has finally hit home.

No....not 09.11. I'm fine with lobbing bombs in the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the hunt for Bin Laden (not that we're going to catch him because that would signify the end of the "war on terror.")

George Bush and his axis of idiocy have managed to bring the war on ideals home to Chapel Hill, NC. His attack on people of a different ideology is now starting to impact people on our hallowed, American soil. Was it not Bush and Cheney who beat the drum, iterating, "it's better to fight them over there than here?" Well, Bushie...whatcha goin' to do about it, now?

The "war on terror" is moving to the United States. Slowly but surely. I do not condone the actions of Muslim reactionaries anymore than I condone the behavior of the Christian Right and their Crusade of Ideals. That said...anyone who didn't see something like this coming has on rose-colored glasses with a side order of blinders.

It is a damn good thing that this guy, a guy who graduated with a degree in Psychology, only rammed his car into a group of unsuspecting college kids. Let's hope the next disenfranchised, frustrated "evil-doer" doesn't take a lesson from Timothy McVeigh and hire a moving van, fill it with fertilizer and detonate it in front of a building. Or worse. After all, our ports and power plants are sitting ducks.

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At 3/05/2006 08:08:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

first comment?

At 3/05/2006 08:45:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

You win a prize!

At 3/06/2006 10:46:00 AM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...


At 3/06/2006 11:58:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carolina isn't as filled with privileged white kids as Duke is. Running over southern kids who have to go to public school and who managed to make the cut in terms of grades and IQ... hmm..

Btw, did he drive his car up the stairs or take the back route to the Pit?

At 3/08/2006 05:22:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

True that, yo. Duke gets the smart Northerners.

I do not recall anything about stairs, I think he just smashed his way through.

What's really strange is that we have yet to receive a police bulletin from the University. Normally, anytime there is an incident, the University shoots out an e-mail addressing the issue. If they sent something out, it did not make its way to the Hospital.

We did receive an "increased security" bulletin from the building managers. Pretty standard stuff for being an office of State personnel...wear your badge, blah blah blah.....


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