I believe there is a full moon today. Not quite sure but there is a weird aura in the air. Hmmmmm.
My morning started off with an early phone call from Kate. I hate the phone. Everyone knows that. It is the worst invention ever. Considering the time of the call and the caller (my bestest gal-pal in the whole wide world), I digressed and answered. There was a pregnant pause after my greeting and then...all of a sudden...Samuel L Jackson starts speaking to me!!! The recording was one of the funniest pranks/jokes I have heard in ages. Mr Jackson is urging me to take the day off and see Snakes on a Plane on opening day. As if I wouldn't!?!
Up e-mail from another dear gal-pal of mine, Melanie. She happened upon a website which had the funniest damn picture on the home page. She thinks it's an omen. And a damn riot, too. What would you be thinking if you saw this:

I cannot wait to see what other pleasant surprises this day has in store for my gal-pals and me. Given the full moon, the lunacy at work and a visit with a doctor today...I cannot imagine that things will be the slightest bit boring.
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