See you later, alligator

After the 2000 elections, I have been a bit hesitant to trust exit polls and predictions. According to MSNBC, Senator Joe Lieberman concedes defeat in the Connecticut primary. I have been eyeballing the interweb all night, waiting for the returns.
I shall shuffle off to bed taking with me the notion that change is afoot. Yes...Joe will run as an Independent (a "Democrat" independent). His ego and inability to accept the fact that his constituents do not want his concept of representation may compromise the November election in a style befitting Ralph Nader. But tonight, Sen Lieberman is no longer the preferred candidate.
One down...many more to go.
Labels: Politics
We're having a schadenfreude party and Joe cannot come!
I'll take the victories, no matter how small. Hopefully this is a harbinger of things to come.
/me rubs hands in a most evil manner
No. He is simply hearing his mother's voice resonating in his head. "Joe...I told you so! You should have gone to medical school. Why don't you listen to your mother?"
He has already filed to run as an independent. Now this may be a small victory for the Dems but they have along way to go.
George and his pals have alot of money behind them to win the next one. But the tide seems to be turning on him.
The two things that are eating him up are Iraq and the economy.
If the economy goes south again, the anger from the American public could really get the ball rolling.
Hej Howard!!!
This may be the galvanizing force the Dems need.
I'm still besotted with Wes.
It's surprising to see Dock so amped about Joe. He is now starting to call Joe's office in DC.
There seems to be much jubilation on the left, but I can only view this as a pyhrric victory for anti-war forces - at best.
1) To win election in a democracy, a party must broaden it's appeal - not narrow it.
2) I recall a Paul Simon song that seems to fit Ned Lamont: "he's a one-trick pony, one trick is all that horse can do".
3) Joe Leiberman's voting record is very supportive of the liberal agenda.
4) The Democratic party is sending a message that is not inclusive. Instead it is absolutist.
5) The American people abhor backstabbing. That's what this looks like to many Americans. Joe Leiberman was recently a candidate for VP! Now they cast him aside? That looks really, really bad to the general public.
6) This will serve to motivate otherwise demoralized conservative voters to turn out in November, alarmed by a 'leftist takeover' of the Democrat Party.
7) Joe Lieberman will probably win as an indepnedent in CT.
8) The GOP 'cut and run' accusations are amplified.
9) The pictures of Ned Lamont giving his victory speech while flanked by Al; Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Kim Gandy is a PR disaster for Lamont.
10) Michael Moore coming out an threatening other moderate Dems is another PR disaster.
11) Despite Leiberman's voting record, I think many conservatives will support hime over the stiff suit GOP candidate. That 'character counts' mantra on the right is not empty rhetoric. Lieberman comes off as one of very few honest players in a very dishonest town.
12) The Lamont victory will make it even more difficult for the Democrats come up with a coherent message about how they intend to deal with terrorism. The left has an uphill battle in even convincing the general public that they take terrorism seriously. Perhaps they should have put a muzzle on Cindy Sheehan after day 2 - when they were still ahead with her.
13) The "Daily Kos" tone and rhetoric, Leiberman in Blackface, and hacking of Leiberman's website that's associated with the Lamoint campaign will be a turn off to many moderate dems nationwide.
The net result of this is that I think the Democrat Party has further alienated itself from the average American voters. I wouldnt' anticipate any the Democrats winning over any 'hearts and Minds' in 'Red State America' as a result of all this. I think the party is considerably weakened as a result of this.
Thanks for stopping by. As always, you have provided me much to think about.
I hope the Lieberman/Lamont doesn't weaken the Dems. Then again, The Dems are so quick to step on their own hoo-has it probably will.
I have been ignoring Kos and Michael Moore and listening closer to Pat Buchanan and some other pundits' take on this issue.
I find the Rove-Lieberman allegation absolutely laughable, too.
I'm not so much an advocate for Lamont as I'm an advocate for change. I should also say that my desire to see a major pogrom in Congress has less to do with the war in Iraq and more to do with the inefficacy of our current representation. I don't think either party (or the Indies) have much to offer at this point in time. Their logic is far too circular and their far too in love with the lobby and their own interests to serve those they claim to represent.
/me needs a coffin tack after that one.
Thanks again for your feedback. I really appreciate it.
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