Monday, June 26, 2006

Snakes on a Plane, Motha Phucker

What sort of blogger would I be if I didn't gobble up precious bandwith without giving a shout out to Snakes on a Plane??? A failure. An absolute failure!!!!

Now...I'm not a dogged pursuer of this meme (or any other), but I do find it most amusing. It is either some random act of the universe or the greatest non-marketing campaign in the world. Either way you choose to look at it, nothing is more cathartic than screaming, "Snakes on a Plane, Motha Phucka!" at the top of your lungs (unless you're screaming, "English Python on a Plane, Motha Phucka!").

I was simply going to post the SOAP link to from MSNBC's summer movies report...but whilst scanning the article I noticed that Eddie Izzard (Dock Ellis in drag) is in a new movie as well. Damn...I hate going to the movie theatre and sitting among the germ infested, cell phone yakking, popcorn scarfing rabble. I really do. But how can I resist Eddie Izzard?

Get your summer movie fun right here, folks.

Bloody hell. This is what I get for not focusing on the end of fiscal year mayhem.



At 6/29/2006 10:00:00 AM , Blogger Littlefair said...

It was a flop cos everyone NEW it should have been the English Python on the mutha phucking plane.

At 6/29/2006 10:08:00 AM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

I saw the trailer last night. The movie looks simply dreadful. Simply, simply dreadful. I will not be braving the cinema and the rabble for that. No phucking way.

I may, however, buy the DVD. Just for shits and grins.


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