I am popular on the internet.
I am "popular" on the interweb. Perhaps not through my blog, but my following at a particular forum, of which I had to resign membership.
It appears that I have developed a sociopathic fan base which feels compelled to send copious amounts hate mail to me. Directly and indirectly (through a friend of mine). I will not lie...this is very unsettling. And while I am a bit wise to things legal, it still does not make me feel all together warm and fuzzy inside.
So...this begs the question, what does one do about cyberstalkers? Have any of you out in the blogosphere dealt with this? And, if you have had the misfortune of dealing with such drama, how have you handled it?
The rational, logical, adult part of my brain simply giggles at the notion that I could be the object of such hate. Such unwarranted, unsolicited, unfounded hate. These people do not "know" me, after all. The rational part of me feels sorry for them. I feel badly that kodos-hating is the glue that holds relationships together. I know it says more about them, than me. Rationally and logically...I know this.
The emotional part of me cannot wrap her head around the fact that people have such little focus in life that they persist in taking their angst out on me. The emotional part of me mourns for them, as well. I feel sorry for them and sorrier for myself.
I have exhausted all resources to cease the trolling and stalking. I'm now reduced to dealing with the authorities. As if I do not have enough shit to worry about on a daily basis.
/me searches for the magic wand to make everything go away
Labels: Numpty Dance
I sent you the information privately, of course, but I though I'd post it as a comment too, in order to share it with some of your readers who may find themself in a situation like yours. I'll post more in depth material on my site Real Soon Now, too.
1. Keep copies of everything, all private email correspondence and chat logs. Take screenshots or print out forum messages.
2. Ignore. Do not respond. These people thrive on drama and attention, employ blocks and filters to keep them out of your consciousness. Send their emails straight to a "psycho" folder and set all your IM clients to allow only users on your buddly list to contact you.
3. Report, report, report. Report them to their ISP for abuse, report them to the administrators of any message boards, news groups, or chat servicesthey are conducting this behavior on, report them to law enforcement if you feel it's warranted.
For more information on cyberstalking and what you can do to deal with it and protect yourself, visit Wired Safety's Cyberstalking and Harassment page.
Remember, this is very often an activity conducted by ball-less wonders on the other side of the planet or at least the continent. While they may be annoying, most of these "people" are not in a position to pose a physical threat. That said, if they do make physical threats and you have reason to believe they know your home address, contact your local law enforcement as soon as possible.
Excellent advice as always, my darling FS.
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