Oy! You say you feel like shit????

Oy vey! You say you have a cold? Vat? Perhaps a virus???
Nothing works better for what ails you like a big, steaming bowl of Jewish Penicillin. That's right...chicken soup. Or...in this case, matzoh ball soup. Mmmmmmmm. Deeeee-lish!!!
Matzoh balls are not to be confused with other ball shaped food like Rocky Mountain Oysters. I am not even sure they are Kosher. tsk tsk tsk
Eat up, get some rest and feel better soon!!! Otherwise...it's off to the doctor for you.
Labels: Haute Cuisine, Personal
Well my Raleigh neighbor, what doesn't kill you can only make you stronger ...... right!
Good evening, Raleigh neighbour.
Apparently, you have not been to Seder at Aunt Bea's house. Grey vegetables and dry brisket, anyone???
Now that thought is just screaming to be made into an SNL skit...
I can't imagine Aunt Bea serving anything that wasn't floating in pork fat.
Wonder what Opie's house really smelled like!
Well...I suppose there's alterna-Aunt-Bea. For The Chosen few, of course. *winks
You amuse me. Where abouts, in Raleigh, are you????
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