The "Rest Stop in Raleigh" Haglet
Each time that commercial comes on tv, Dock Ellis screams and recoils when that horrible woman says, "rrrrrest stop in rrrrrally." Much like I do when I have to listen to Rita Cosby bark the news over the airwaves.
I explained (to Dock) the recent phenomenon of men searching Kodos world for pictures of her. And their continued assertions that she's hawt. Dock says, "How would they know? She's only on tv for two seconds at the most."
Ok have your assignment. Explain to me how you can determine if the haglet is hottie. Also, if you don't care what she sounds like, is this an instance of not buying her dinner first (before tapping that ass)? If she made you spend time with her before doing the deed, would you take her to a noisy bar so you wouldn't have to listen to her destroy the English language? Could it be that testosterone blocks all things aurally offensive? If that is the case, and it does, why does Dock get so annoyed with me when I ask him to take out the garbage when he's horny?
I maintain...that is the most annoying commercial of all times. Those of us who live in Raleigh (RAH-LEE) find it very offensive, as well.
Labels: Amusement, Observations
The hunam male mind can ignore most any sensory input when it is sufficiently sexually aroused! For example, Fran Drescher gets laid.
It's much the same thing as having sex on a concrete floor. It scrapes the begeebus out of you, and it hurts while you're doing it, but by god why would you want to STOP!?
Chores, on the other hand...well...nothing turns a hunam male off more than chores...It's like anti-viagra. Housework is one of the hunam male's only natural enemies!
I think you are inadvertantly sending the wrong message to Dock here!
"why does Dock get so annoyed with me when I ask him to take out the garbage when he's horny?"
He may take this request not only as your casual refusal to "perform" but also giving him the green light for a trist with "the haglet," in, or around the trash can or dumpster.
Given this "haglet" is admitedly familiar with "rest stops," one can deduce that "it" is also familiar with truckstops and concievably dumpsters, trash bins and landfills.
Given the choice between the casual "refusal" of "his" hawtie and "tapping" the dumpster haglet without reprecussion, you are further putting him in an confused state.
Sex on a concrete floor. Hmmmmm. I'm wondering...which would hurt more? Concrete floor rubbage or rug burn. Hmmmmmm.
Oh shit! Thanks Emory. Now I have to service Dock *before* he takes out the rubbish.
How much did he pay you to say that?
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