Saturday, July 22, 2006

No! No! No!

Exactly how stupid can one political party be? Wait...don't answer.

My fair Democrats have managed to step on their own dicks again. I do not know how we do it, but if there is a way to phuck something up, if there is a need for phucking upping, the Dems will happily step in and assume the role, do the deed, whatever.

The primary system in this country is bullshit. Has been for ages. Primary elections are set by each state and do not occur on the same day, let alone same month. Fine. Except when another state, with decidedly different values than the state you live in, ends up selecting a Presidential candidate because of a flawed system.

It takes a lot of cabbage to finance a campaign for the Office of the Presidency. A considerable amount of cabbage. When you have a long, prolonged periods of primary elections, some good, not so affluent candidates get culled from the herd. Those of us living in states with later primary dates lose the opportunity to select a candidate because some of them may withdraw due to insufficient funding.

How do the Democrats deal with this? Well...they decide to insert Nevada between the Iowa and New Hampshire. Yes. Nevada. Racially diverse Nevada. Politically progressive Nevada.

Just because you let the whores legally file income tax and tax idiots through gambling does not make you a qualified resource for picking a party's presidential candidate. Those phuckers live in a desert. There is no rain. Nothing grows. Look at the higher education system in that state. No one is knocking down doors to enroll in UNLV. Now...don't get me wrong. I am sure Nevada is a lovely state. I am probably just prejudiced as I have yet to encounter any form of intelligent life from there. That...and I think something fishy happened in Area 51 which has effected the DNA of some of its citizens.

Aaaah...Pennsylvania. I could understand Pennsylvania. Same with Ohio. Traditional, union oriented, liberal states with blue collar values. I could even consider Colorado without having the bile rise in my throat.

Nevada? Why not pick Alabama for phucks sake? Why not find another member of the Red State Kolludge and just tuck them in the beginning of primary season?

Democrats. We're all a bunch of idiots. Liberal, elite idiots with too much education that inhibits rational thought.

You can read about the latest cluster phuck here. Keep the barf bucket handy.

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At 7/23/2006 11:38:00 AM , Blogger Lobsterman said...

My theory is that Halliburton engineered a buyout of the Democratic Party in 2000, and they just keep them around for appearances' sake.

Hey, if you've got a better explanation I'd love to hear it.

At 7/23/2006 12:24:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

Hmmm...interesting theory.

However, I think that is borne from bitterness as registered Independents cannot vote in Primaries. =)

Speaking of eely tactics, what happened to Shane's snake chew toy, aka Karl Rove?

At 7/23/2006 02:35:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too funny.

Here's an idea: Democrat candiadates develop and articulate a set of core values that are actually popular (principles as opposed to pandering). Once one does, all this manipulaton and micro-managing of the system that you fret about will become quite unncesessary.



At 7/23/2006 03:08:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...


I never dream the impossible dream. The day the Dems develop an actual party platform and adhere to it is the day hell freezes over. Until then, we shall just remain manipulated by the evil genius of the Republican party.

It would be so nice to be a member of a party that is does not simply react. Good thing I have an uncanny ability to laugh at myself, yes?



At 7/23/2006 08:00:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Marnie having trouble with your email so please excuse this intrusion, thought you might like to know that I have been banned from littlefair's forum, I only wound him up a little, more details later if you want them. Don't want to identify myself openly as this is the method I used to wind him up.Clue: you like my shiny things!

At 7/23/2006 09:20:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

Hello intruder, purveyor of shiny objects.

You will find a response in your e-mail box.

I am terribly sorry to learn that your naughtiness banned you from a titillating, topical forum. Especially a forum with such an intellectually stimulating bent. How you will ever reconcile that within yourself is beyond me. Fortunately, the Conkers-Kang Church of Absolution will absolve you of your sin for a mere $12.00 offering or a shiny object to amuse me.

Feel free to use my blog as a method of contact, my son. Alternatively, you may make a post to Dock Ellis on The Local and he will alert me accordingly.


Big hugs for you!


At 7/23/2006 09:47:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you have a look and see if he has deleted the thread in the hole for trolls section.
Cheers shiny thing

At 7/23/2006 10:23:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

...and sully the purity of my state issued laptop???


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