Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It ain't easy being green... sayeth Kermit the Frog.

I have noticed an interesting trend developing during my commute to and from work lately. I'm seeing that a lot of Enviro-Crusher 4000s are being replaced by those darling, hybrid vehicles. This makes me very happy. I have never been able to comprehend why most people feel the need to drive gas guzzling, glorified station wagons. It's not my fault that you cannot control your reproductive habits and need a school bus to cart around a passel of children. It's not my fault that you are too vain that you cannot resort to driving a fuel efficient vehicle which would do the job sufficiently. You are killing Earth and I do not like you (although...I fancy those ballsy Eco-Terrorists who like to blow up car dealerships).

But listen here, people who feel compelled to switch to a hybrid because the price of gasoline is beyond ridiculous. There is more to being green than trying to save your pennies. There is more to being green than driving one of those hybrids.

I have seen one person driving a Honda Insight down I-540. The license plate reads, "IMGREEN." No you are not. And I will explain why. This "green" person was zipping down the highway in their Honda with a bag of dry-cleaning hanging in the windows. The dry cleaning process is not green. Thusly...Mr "IMGREEN," you are not green either. Your vehicle may be green, but you are still part of the problem; not the solution.

This morning, I had the joy of following a Toyota Prius down Leesville Road. Here, we have another person who is so very proud of his greeness, that he decided to chuck a wad of litter from the driver's side window.

I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a die-hard environmentalist. I do all that I can, though. I realize the approach to solving the problems of pollution involves baby steps. People cannot switch value sets and methodologies over night. It is an expensive endeavour. These changes take time. But, people also need to be aware of their short-comings and crimes against nature. Don't insult my intelligence by pretending to be something you are not through your choice of vehicles.

You are not green. You are the cancer which is destroying my home.



At 7/19/2006 11:56:00 AM , Blogger Emory Mayne said...

Well Mr Mayne? What have you got to say before I pass sentence?

Emory shuffles with a nervous aprehension. Knowing he is toast, he makes his last feeble defense.

Your Honour! I have faithfully used the recycling bin at the house. Paper, plastic and glass! and ?? Urh ... Urh I compost my own grass clippings.......... I keep the bird feeders full too ...

MORON! asserts the Judge. Your Carbon footprint Mr. Mayne is greater than that of an entire East African village. You operate two Enviro-Crusher 2000's, and have freely admitted to cooking animal protein over an outdoor open flame with regularity!

and what is that smell? ...... cologne and synthetic soap! You are an enviromental pig Mr. Mayne! An enviromental pig!

At 7/19/2006 02:28:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

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At 7/19/2006 02:32:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

/me hoots

My better half cooks animal flesh outdoors, over an open flame, as well. Animal flesh is so much tastier that way. I love it. I love eating animal flesh and I love saying animal flesh.

The Conkers-Kang Church of Absolution forgives you of your sin. Keep on composting. me the next time you fire up the grill and sear some tasty morsels


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