Happy bEaster!!!!

Happy Easter, y'all!!!!
Easter really doesn't carry much weight in my home, for all obvious reasons. It's just another day for me. Except for one time honored activity...the Richardson Annual Peep Race. This isn't very unique, as Google has proven, but Dock and I engage in one silly tradition involving those awful, but addictive Peeps.
To play...
You need one Peep for each player. Make a mark on them to differentiate between (in our case) the two.
Slap the Peeps on a microwave-safe plate and toss them in the nuker.
Set the microwave for five minutes, press start and watch as hilarity ensues.
The Peeps will grow unusually large, then they will either explode or contract (not being a science gal...I'm not sure why they would behave differently).
The winner can be determined in two ways. You can award the prize for largest, swelling Peep or messiest, exploding Peep. The rules need to be mutually agreed upon before the Peeps enter the chamber.
The prize: all of the Peeps you can eat!!!! Non-nuked, of course.
For your bEaster pleasure, I present one of my favorite Peep links...Peep Research.org. And I have attached a picture of what the Peep Race may look at. Please note...this is not my nuker, as it is filthy and I'm a little nuts about a clean kitchen.
Happy racing.
Labels: Personal, Story Time
Have you ever tried to blow up a Moon Pie, though????
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