When smart people do stupid things...

Back in December, Dr Pillsbury started me on a regimen of asthma and allergy medication to keep me from wheezing like a little teapot. I have been a fairly well behaved girl (except for that smoking bit which I am going to have to attempt yet another pass at quitting) and have taken my medicine religiously.
For some stupid reason, after starting my allergy shots, I decided to hold off on using the asthma bong. I have no idea why. It's not like it takes any time at all to use. And...because it's not supposed to be used prophylactically, I do not carry it with me when I leave the house. Until today, that is.
Around 10:30 this morning, I started to wheeze. No big deal...I figured that I must have been either really agitated by the new ENT clinic opening or it was my allergies, as there is pollen everywhere. So...I popped a glorious ativan to mellow myself out and move along with my day. The wheezing only became worse.
Around 12:30 the wheezing got a little out of control. Ok...a lot. I couldn't breathe. I went from a cute, little wheeze to a full out gasp within two hours. And...remember...no inhaler with me.
My choices were....
1) Go to the ED and wheeze, rot and be confined to the Hospital for the night
2) Try to make the drive home and grab the inhaler and never, ever let go of it
I opted for door number two, hopped into Inga and slogged my way down Interstate 40 (yes...that's I-40, not Route 40 for those of you who may be confused by such things). It was the longest 23 miles I have ever driven.
Before I could manage to remove my glasses and billions of silver bracelets I wear, I was sucking on that asthma bong as if there was actually something recreational and fun inside. Within a half an hour, I stopped sounding like Patty and Selma from The Simpsons.
So...I have learned my lesson. Never, ever, ever, ever leave the house without the bong. It's just not worth it. I suppose I will have to buy yet another purse to accommodate my newest need.
*sighs (and wheezes)
Labels: Personal
Thanks for the tip! I'm going to follow up with Dr P about this one.
Hugs to you!
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