Wednesday, April 12, 2006


...that is me today.

My morning begins by being cut off in traffic by some poster child for the baby boomer mid-life crisis. Mr-Maroon-Convertible-Corvette with a vanity plate reading NFTY @ 50 finds it necessary to dodge out in front of me. And then...proceeds to shove his head up his ass, preventing him from hitting the accelerator. Being the patient lass that I am, I allowed him to sit while traffic advanced two times. After was hand meet horn.

This jackass is so protracted, he proceeds to stop at every opportunity to let people in front of him. My development is at the end of a two-lane, country road with a Catholic School on it. The traffic is nightmarish every morning and this guy is not helping the cause by being a shit-wit.

Once we reach the four lane part of Leesville Road, he stays in the left lane, whilst I...ever so impatiently...step on the gas like I had on combat boots and was squashing the life out of a cockroach. The turbo kicks in and I make my little hand motion displaying the size dick I believe he has dangling between his legs. Then again...he is a bit old, being nifty at 50, so maybe his unit just retracted entirely.

So...Nifty @ 50, fat and obviously compensating for something helped put me into the quasi-shitty mood that I'm in.

Further adding irritation to my day...I had to go out to lunch and look for a birthday present for my stepmother. Such endeavour proved fruitless and futile, except for a couple of cards I managed to snap up. Since I had consumed my lunch on an unsuccessful shopping expedition, I was left with no alternative to eating the Lean Cuisine stuffed in the freezer. Let me say may be Lean...but it's no cuisine. The entire meal met its death in my garbage can. My office now smells like an armpit.

4 hours and 18 minutes left in this awful day. I may head straight to Bailey's after work for some relief.



At 4/17/2006 09:31:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

his license plate did not say that. it DID NOT. oh, life is stranger than fiction...

At 4/17/2006 12:17:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...


If I had my camera with me...I would have most certainly taken a picture.

NFTY @ 50 indeed.

I wonder when limp enters into the equation.


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