Sunday, October 22, 2006

Military Commissions Act

The crickets are chirping in a meadow night, at least on the news (the liberal, MSM). It is no secret that I am a news junkie. An addict, if you will. I spend hours upon hours glued to some news source.

What I find most upsetting is the lack of coverage the Military Commissions Act and subsequent ramifications of this bill have received by the MSM. Yes...Keith Olbermann has been representing the voice of dissent but where is the rest of the criticism and coverage? It seems, sadly, that there is none.

Granted, I had only recently woken up from my slumber this morning when I turned on Meet The Press, but I do not recall this being covered. Nary a peep. The focus was much more on the Mid-Terms (that I can see) and the 2008 elections (may we please clear November before looking to 08?).

Hello? Is anyone out there?

The Military Commissions Act is one of the most vile pieces of legislation to come out of Washington, in my opinion, ever. Fundamental civil liberties have been flushed down the toilet. And where is our focus, exactly?

I have seen commentary from some who feel we must make sacrifices for the sake of national security. Have we not surrendered enough, already? Must we sacrifice our inalienable rights as American citizens, as well?

It seems the only coverage of this terrifying bit of legislation is coming out of the blog-o-sphere. The Fourth Estate sleeps on the job again. As does the American public.

Yesterday, when whining about this to Dock Ellis...I referenced the Gadsden Flag. While it's a very loose tangent, it does seem very appropriate (at least to me).

At the risk of drawing ire, I have said this before and I will say it again. The population of the United States has reached 300 million. I do not wish to lessen the sting of the losses on 09.11, but enacting legislation to prevent the loss of 3,000 while destroying the rights of 300 million seems a skosh excessive to me.

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At 10/22/2006 03:24:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

Can you hear it, I do. Its not very nice either. It's the sounds of a crowd and marching. Where could it be?
Maybe Washington D.C. maybe.
Yes I think its coming from there.
The sound of steps making there way across America.
The sound of goosestepping!!!

At 10/22/2006 03:41:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

It is! And yet...there is no screaming, no crying, no protests. People are just rolling over in the name of "national security."

What a shame.

At 10/22/2006 04:29:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

National security is the new catch word. All in the interest of national security.
What is that suppose to mean?
I am envoking this act in the interest of national security.
Is everybody so self-absorbed that they can't get there rose coloured glasses off long enough that they are or one day will be royally bent over and taking one for the hometeam.
Even here in Canada things are slowly changing back to conservative values.
Now that's another word meaning, shutup and don't say a word against me.

At 10/22/2006 05:18:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

National Security = excuse by the Bush Administration to thumb nose at Constitution.

National Security = excuse by the Bush Administration to engage in shameless war profiteering.

National Security = outlawing ghey marriage and abortion to appease the religious right.

National Security = loophole to toss suburban voices of dissent in Gitmo with Iraq playing cards.

At 10/22/2006 07:45:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

The real shame of it all is that all of this could of been stopped by voting. Simple. Don't vote for this party. Vote for someone else. If you want more of the same, then vote for these people otherwise you get what you get.
More lies, more money changing hands, more military/industrial complex deals and more of your sons and daughters dying in a hopeless war.
But if you want to change then protest, yell, scream and show what the masses are capable of.
Don't roll over and play dead.

At 10/22/2006 07:49:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

The most pathetic thing is...most of the people who I encountered who voted for Bush believe the terror hype. The honestly believed that Kerry was a flip-flopper who could not keep them safe.

It's funny...those people are saying very little right now. I'm not sure if it is because they are afraid I will say, "told you so" or if they are still drinking the kool-aid.

Two weeks...we'll know exactly how tired of Congress America actually is. I'm not overly optimistic though. There's still plenty of time to scrounge up a Bin Laden tape, just like they did before the 2004 Presidential election.

Douchebags. All of them.

At 10/22/2006 08:03:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

It would depend on which flavour Kool-Aid they are drinking. Saying I told you so is like pissing gasoline on the fire.
It would not help. All you can do is be the crazy lady who will go around and say don't vote for these people.
Look what happened the last time.
It's amazing that certain things turn up when it suits them. A tape or whatever else they can did up to save there skins with.
With the terror hype about 1% of population is involved in this practise.
All the rest are so dirt poor that you have to feel for them.

At 10/23/2006 05:48:00 AM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

It's all part and parcel of the Rovian machine. Resurrect a tape to scare the pants off the witless. Cater to emotion as opposed to logic.

I have said there is no joy in being right about this situation.

At 10/23/2006 04:12:00 PM , Blogger Emory Mayne said...

Never under estimate the ignorance of the American electorate.

You are asking too much for Americans to understand America.

Brain sample? ... sure, is it free?

At 10/23/2006 06:45:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

*drooling* Duuuuuh...what's a brain????

My hopes are not very high regarding this election. They're really not.

There is a reason why the dog's snake chew toy is named, Karl Rove.


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