Wednesday, November 08, 2006


You could have knocked me over with a feather. I had hoped, dreamed and wished for a blood letting. I must admit, given the turn of events and my luck, I did not imagine such a significant sweep of the House of Representatives.

What I find most interesting about the Mid-Term Election is the fact that the Neo-Cons received a fairly resounding wake up call. "Christian values" are not necessarily embraced by the general public. What I mean by that is not all Americans want the Bible and Christianity playing a role in public policy. The gay marriage ban in Arizona failed. The abortion ban in South Dakota failed. Stem cell research in Missouri passed. With all the flap doodle going on, these issues were fairly high on my list of third rail pets.

It is refreshing and comforting to see the body electorate speak out about the War in Iraq. Very rarely do we see the, "all politics is local" theory fail. It did.

Today...we can celebrate, self-congratulate and bask in the glory of people waking up out of the nightmare that has been the Bush Administration's bastardization of this country. Tomorrow...we have to unphuck the goat.

Best of all. Most surprising of all, however, is the resignation of McNamara, Jr...Donald Rumsfeld.

Yesterday, there was a thread on The Local about superstitions. Someone said it was bad luck to leave your keys on your desk. I had never heard that before and always keep my keys on my desk next to my cigarettes, coffee cup and cell phone. On a whim, I picked up my keys and put them in my purse which is stashed somewhere super-duper top secret. Given the luck it brought us, I'm keeping them there from now on.

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At 11/08/2006 09:14:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

Doing the Rumsfeld happy dance right now. I watched a doc on McNamara called the Fog of War. Wow, he is a pretty old man now but he remembered everything that occurred. This is the beginning of the end of the Bush era. I really hope the Dems can undue the damage done. It will take along time for a thing called, "trust."
But Bubba has a younger brother and he may try to become the next in line.

At 11/08/2006 11:04:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

Ooooh! Dock and I watched Fog of War, too. It scared the pants off of me. I cannot describe it.

If I had a time machine, I would love to go back and ask McNamara and Johnson what, exactly, were they thinking?

How and why people do not see the parallels between Rummy and McNamara escapes me.

At 11/09/2006 04:56:00 PM , Blogger Toronto1 said...

It seems they come of the same school of thought. A time machine and a teleportation would come in very handy.
Both of these men are very intelligent but its in the wrong way.
A teleportation device would be very handy for a certain person who came to power in 1933 too.

At 11/09/2006 07:26:00 PM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...

The parallels are frightening. Watching Fog of War left me with goosebumps and a haunting feeling for days.

I wouldn't mind having a run at Stalin's brain, either. Where is that bugger Trowbridge (speaking Stalin)?


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