Do you have wax in your ears???
I said, "Just shut the phuck up!"
I am willing to concede that Kerry's intentions are good. I am willing to say that The White House has elevated this gaffe to epic proportions for Neo-Con gain. Both are true statements. I believe them and will uphold them.
However...Kerry really needs to stop talking. All together. He had the opportunity to let this issue drop. He clobbered the Neo-Cons in his rebuttal and attempt to clear the air. He showed a spine (something he should have done during the 2004 election). Now...he flip-flopped (because that's what they're going to call it) and apologized! Aie!
Worst of all, for the Democrats, the RNC machine has managed to crank out a lovely campaign commercial. Now...people are going to start believing that bullshit hype that the Democrats will get you killed.
It is a very sad day when a Senator has to be muzzled. He should be able to speak his mind. He should be able to call shenanigans on The White House. A Senator should be able to read the President the riot act. Especially this President. Unfortunately, those are not the times in which we live. And now...a mountain has been made of a mole hill and Kerry's still talking.
I think Don Imus summed it up the best. "Please stop it. Stop talking. Go home, get on the bike, go windsurfing, anything. Stop it. You’re going to ruin this."
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