Saturday, March 18, 2006


Gloating is seldom if ever fun.

When we hired The Brick, I warned my colleagues that they would regret it. They just did not see what I saw during the interview. As usual, being the baby of the office by 15 years, most just disregarded my observation because there is no possible way Ms-Green-Behind-The-Ears could have a clue.

Months later...I was asked what tipped me off about this guy. It was simple. He spent a good portion of the interview asking about discounts at the University golf course. If you're using your interview to discuss golf, chances are you're not really interesting in working.

In late 2003, early 2004 I began working on Wesley Clark's presidential campaign. When the field was winnowed down to Kerry with Edwards as Vice-President, my colleagues were spitting nails. As Edwards constituents, we did not benefit much from his time in Washington. From the moment he touched the pavement in DC, he began running for office. So bad it was...that the Democrat Governor stated that when he needed something accomplished in DC, he called Liddy Dole (the oh so conservative Senator from NC).

My co-workers (actually) refused to vote for Kerry because Edwards was on the ticket. Oh...and 50% of them bought the "third rail bait" (gay marriage, abortion) and could not endorse Kerry because he is "toooooo liberal" (translation: he's from The North). I tried, with no success, to explain how the Bush Administration was going to dry-phuck them with sand if they voted for the Bush/Cheney ticket.

Fast forward to today. My colleagues are unhappy. The US is generally unhappy with Bush. Surprise surprise. There is a delicious article in Newsweek addressing our leadership's complete incompetence. What did these people overlook when casting their ballots in 2004? Surely I cannot be that much of an evil genius.

While I can kick up my feet and laugh at their stupidity (and that of every idiot who voted for Bush/ them their "mandate"), I'm just not having fun doing it. It's really hard to laugh when you see your country going to hell in a handbasket.

Soon...I will be starting my countdown to the mid-term elections. I do not vote "straight party ticket" because no one party has my full support. I am thinking of doing it this time. To send a message (which will be ignored) and to nullify a vote for the Republicans. Just because I can.

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