Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I found the coolest website a few months ago. It's a bear park in Grönklitt, Sweden. There is a web camera fixed inside of one of the bear's lairs. Here are a few pictures I saved from earlier in the winter.

The other day, I clicked on the camera to see what the bear was up to. Lo and behold...there was not one bear...not two bears...but three bears! The bear had babies!!! Two adorable, fuzzy "bearlets." I haven't saved any pictures of the bearlets yet as the resolution isn't the greatest and they look blobby. I highly encourage the curious to keep a watch on the web cam, though. It is beyond neat.



At 3/30/2006 04:32:00 AM , Blogger Mark Base said...

I can bearly contain my sarcastic delight.

At 3/30/2006 08:36:00 AM , Blogger High Priestess Kang said...


For that...the boat beer is on me. Ok...some of the boat beer is on me.

At 4/02/2006 10:53:00 PM , Blogger Lobsterman said...

If there's a rough sea, the boat beer may wind up on all of us.


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