Happy Birthday, Dock!!!!

Just what you always wanted!!! A cake served by two complete morons!!! Be very careful when blowing out your candles and making your wish.
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Furiously wagging tentacles at half-wits since 2006.
Labels: Personal
A bargain at half the price.
Look at it this way...if the NSA wasn't listening to me yak on the phone, Sen McCain and PresidOnt Bush would have never been able to deliver Mark's birthday wish.
Scott that was just the delivery price.
I worked very hard for the Good Senator from Arizona during his run, against this moron. That was when I was living in South Carolina. You would not believe what went on in that campaign, totally disgusting!
How McCain can stand next to this "cokehead" just galls me!
Bitter ..... hmmm maybe a little bit.
You are entitled to your bitterness. I have never been more disgusted by a politican. How he can take having his ass handed to him on a plate by W during the 2000 debate, then stand next to him is beyond me.
If he would sell out his own morality, what would he do with ours????
Actually they were handing it off to FEMA for delivery- I'll get it in about a month.
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